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UK Pomsky Breed Standard


This breed Standard has been created to run alongside the International Breed Standard that has been generated by a correlation of Pomsky breeders registered with The International Pomsky Association.  Due to the UK breed standards for Huskies and Pomeranians there are slight differences in the standards Internationally. Also due to the UK being in its infancy in comparison to the USA, we are aiming on similar 'type' to our International breeders.   Our aim is to create a breed standard that can be used worldwide and to do this we need to continue to work with breeders on an International Level.  We will continue to research and update where necessary.


This standard is Copyright to the UK Pomsky Kennel Club and must not be reproduced without permission! 


General Appearance

The overall appearance is of a small but powerful northern-breed dog with substantial bone, small erect ears, and curled tail with typical ‘husky’ markings. Dogs are larger and more powerful than bitches.Fragile or fine-boned substance at the expense of weight is faulty. Muscle is firm and well developed, no excess weight. When weight and height place the dog in different size categories, height should be used for judging purposes.



Small to medium size, moderate bone, well balanced proportions, ease and freedom of movement, and good disposition.



The Pomsky is a joyful, affectionate dog with great humour and character. Shyness of any sort is to be SEVERELY penalised. Dogs should be outgoing, confident, but non-aggressive. Must be social with people and other dogs. Moderately easy to train and willing to please. Exuberance should not be penalised or mistaken for aggression. Extremely shy, aggressive dogs of any level shall be disqualified and SEVERELY penalised. A high prey drive is undesirable.


Head and Skull

The surface of the skull should be fairly wide and slightly round.

The expression should be intelligent and interested but not shy or aggressive.

The stop should be moderate and clearly defined. Not to sharp and not to slight.

The distance from the tip of the nose to the centre of the stop, should be 1/3 the distance from the centre of the stop to the occiput.  The lips and top of muzzle may be slightly padded. Nose, preferably black but any colour conforming to general coat colour permissible.



The eyes should be almond shaped and set obliquely. Eyes should not be excessively round and should be of moderate size, neither too large nor too small. 

Any eye colour is permitted including Blue, Parti and Bi-Eyes.  A keen, inquisitive and friendly expression.

Function of eyeball or lid in no way disturbed by surrounding skin, folds or hair. Any sign of irritation of eyeball or conjunctiva, highly undesirable. 



Triangular ears should be small and set on the corners of the skull.   Height is slightly greater than the width at the base.  Carried erect and slightly rounded at the tip.  Well furred, slightly arched and carried parallel.



The muzzle should be full and not appear toy like.

The length of the muzzle from the tip of the nose to the stop should be roughly 1/3  

of the skull and match the length of the stop to occiput.

The muzzle should neither be dished or Roman nosed.

The nose should be strong and taper slightly. The nose should not be too small for the muzzle. The dog should not appear as if he/she had a tiny pointed nose.


Bite and Occlusion

The bite should be level or scissor bite. There should not be an overbite or undershot bite. The teeth should not appear overly small or weak.  



Medium length, strong, full, set well on shoulders and slightly arched.  Slightly extended when travelling. 



The elbows are the same length from ground to elbow as there is from elbow to wither. Elbows are parallel and tight to the body. When viewed from the front the legs are straight and moderately spaced. The shoulder blades lay below the high point of the spine and at a laid-back angle. Pasterns are slightly sloped and strong. Dewclaws may be removed or left natural. Faults-weak pasterns, too heavy or light boned, too narrow or too wide when viewed from the front, toed in or out, out at the elbow.



Set parallel with a noticeable hock. Hocks short and straight, sickle or cow hocks a serious fault and SEVERELY penalised. Well muscled thighs.



The body is short-coupled and slightly longer than tall. Dogs possess substantial bone for their size.  From wither to croup there should be a level toppline.  The ribcage should be well sprung. The chest should be relatively deep and let down between the forelegs slightly rounded ribcage.  Slightly sloping at the croup with slight tuck up.  There should not be exaggerated length of body or shortness of legs.  Dwarfism should be penalised. 



Moderate size, compact, toes well knuckled.  Forward facing in a natural stance. Slight webbing between the toes. Well furred oval shape with cushioned pads. 



Set just below the level of the top-line the tail should curl high over the dogs body in a 3/4 or half circle. Tail may be curled over their back or carried out behind in motion like a banner. When uncurled the tail should reach to the hock.



Movement should be free, springy, and floating.  Travelling is smooth and seemingly effortless exhibiting good reach in the forequarters and drive in the hindquarters.  On walking there is an absence of single-tracking which as speed increases the legs gradually angle inwards until pads fall directly under the body.  Neither elbows or stifles are turned in or out. Top line remains firm and uniform whilst gaiting. Goose-stepping and stilted movement are SEVERE faults.



The coat must be double, with a soft undercoat and guard hairs which stand off from the body. Two coat varieties are allowed, velvet (similar to a Siberian) or plush (Longer coat on the body and a distinct tail plume and ruff, similar to a Pomeranian, American Eskimo, or German Spitz). Both are short on the face. Furnishings on the feet are allowable but should not be profuse (and may be trimmed for neatness if present.) The coat should be long enough to pad the outline of the dog even in standard coated dogs, but a coat which completely obscures the dog’s profile is excessive and should be penalised as is undesirable. The coat should not be cut or clipped other than minor trimming for neatness around the toes and tail. An excessively short double coat is a SEVERE fault.



All husky type colours and markings, including white, are allowed.  Variety of markings on head and body is common. Many striking husky type facial patterns not found in other breeds.

Ideally a white or cream ground with markings on the head, face, and back in the typical ‘husky’ pattern, including a generally symmetrical mask and Irish markings. The coat may be of any colour but merle and brindle are not preferred. Solid colour dogs other than white are undesirable. Parti-colour patterns are acceptable. ‘Pinto’ - 'Pie bald' markings (including split-face) are less preferred but should not be penalised. Nose colour should harmonise with the coat colour with darker pigment.  Due to the aim of the pomsky becoming a smaller more manageable husky type dog, Pomeranian type colours are less desirable. 



Mini 4-8 Kg and up to 15” tall.

Standard 15-18” tall and generally between 8-12 Kg.

Most F1 Pomskys will conform loosely to the breed standard for size.  For judging proposes dogs can be looked at wholistacally and should not be penalised for being over 12 Kg as long as there is substantial bone structure.  Obesity should be SEVERELY penalised.  Breeders are working towards two sizes at present with the aim to create a smaller, more manageable, husky looking dog.



Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.



Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


*Note for prospective puppy buyers

Size – the Standard is a guide and description of the ideal for the breed and what breeders should be working towards.  Size as described does not imply that a dog will match the measurements given (height or weight). A dog might be larger or smaller than the size measurements stated in the Breed Standard due to the necessity of breeding back to foundation stock. This means that some pomskys may be 75% either husky or pom and will differ greatly in size.

Breeders should be health testing their breeding stock.  UK Pomsky Kennel Club holds results on file and with the permission of the breeder we can disclose any health results to prospective puppy buyers.

This breed standard is subject to change as the breed stabilises.

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